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5G Acronyms

16-QAM16-state Quaternary Amplitude Modulation
1xCSFBCircuit Switched Fallback to 1xRTT
3DThree Dimensional
3GP3GPP file format
3GPPThird Generation Partnership Project
5GFifth Generation
5G-AN5G Access Network
5GC5G Core Network
5G-EIR5G-Equipment Identity Register
5G-GUTI5G Globally Unique Temporary Identifier
5GS5G System
5G-S-TMSI5G S-Temporary Mobile Subscription Identifier
5QI5G QoS Identifier
AAAAuthentication, Authorization and Accounting
ABSAlmost Blank Subframe
ACAccess Category
ACLRAdjacent Channel Leakage Ratio
ADCApplication Detection and Control
AESAdvanced Encryption Standard
AFApplication Function
AKAAuthentication and Key Agreement
AMAcknowledged Mode
AMBRAggregate Maximum Bit Rate
AMFAccess and Mobility Management Function
ANAccess Network
ANDSFAccess Network Discovery and Selection Function
ANRAutomatic Neighbour Relation
APNAccess Point Name
ARAugmented Reality
ARPAllocation and Retention Priority
ARPFAuthentication Credential Repository
andProcessing Function
ARQAutomatic Repeat Request
ASAccess Stratum
AUSFAuthentication Server Function
BARBuffering Action Rule
BBUBase-Band Unit (DRoF context)
BCCHBroadcast Control Channel
BCHBroadcast Channel
BLBandwidth reduced Low complexity
BPSKBinary Phase Shift Keying
BR-BCCHBandwidth Reduced Broadcast
BSFBinding Support Function
BSRBuffer Status Report
C/ICarrier-to-Interference Power Ratio
CACarrier Aggregation
CAPIFCommon API Framework (for 3GPP
CCComponent Carrier
CGCell Group
CIFCarrier Indicator Field
CIoTCellular Internet of Things
CMASCommercial Mobile Alert Service
CMCConnection Mobility Control
CoMPCoordinated Multi Point
CPCyclic Prefix
CPControl Plane
C-planeControl Plane
CQIChannel Quality Indicator
CRCCyclic Redundancy Check
CRECell Range Extension
CRSCell-specific Reference Signal
CSACommon Subframe Allocation
CSGClosed Subscriber Group
CSIChannel State Information
CSI-IMCSI interference measurement
CSI-RSCSI reference signal
CUPSControl and User Plane Separation
DCDual Connectivity
DCCHDedicated Control Channel
DCIDownlink Control Information
DCNDedicated Core Network
DDoSDistributed Denial of Service
DEIDrop Eligible Indicator
DeNBDonor eNB
DFTS-OFDMDirect Fourier Transform Spread – OFDM
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol diff-serv Differentiated services
DMTCDiscovery Signal Measurement
DNData Network
DNAIDN Access Identifier
DNNData Network Name
DNSDomain Name System
DRSDiscovery Reference Signal
DRXDiscontinuous Reception
DSCPDifferentiated services code point
DTCHDedicated Traffic Channel
DTXDiscontinuous Transmission
DwPTSDownlink Pilot Time Slot
E2EEnd to End
EABExtended Access Barring
EBIEPS Bearer Identity
ECGIE-UTRAN Cell Global Identifier
E-CIDEnhanced Cell-ID (positioning method)
ECMEPS Connection Management
eFMSSEnhancement to Flexible Mobile
eIMTAEnhanced Interference Management
andTraffic Adaptation
EMMEPS Mobility Management
eMBBenhanced Mobile BroadBand
eMPSenhanced Multimedia Priority Service
EPCEvolved Packet Core
EPDCCHEnhanced Physical Downlink Control Channel
en-gNB5G base station with LTE interface
ePDGevolved Packet Data Gateway
EPSEvolved Packet System
E-RABE-UTRAN Radio Access Bearer
ETWSEarthquake and Tsunami Warning System
FARForwarding Action Rule
FDDFrequency Division Duplex
FDMFrequency Division Multiplexing
FMSSFlexible Mobile Service Steering
FQDNFully Qualified Domain Name
F-SEIDFully Qualified SEID
F-TEIDFully Qualified TEID
GBRGuaranteed Bit Rate
GERANGSM EDGE Radio Access Network
GFBRGuaranteed Flow Bit Rate
GMLCGateway Mobile Location Centre
gNB5G Node Base station
GNSSGlobal Navigation Satellite System
GPGuard Period
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio System
GPSIGeneric Public Subscription Identifier
GREGeneric Routing Encapsulation
GSMGlobal System for Mobile communication
GTPGPRS Tunnelling Protocol
GTP-CGPRS Tunnelling Protocol in the
GTP-UGPRS Tunnelling Protocol in the
GUAMIGlobally Unique AMF Identifier
GUMMEIGlobally Unique MME Identifier
GUTIGlobally Unique Temporary Identifier
GWCNGateWay Core Network
H-SFNHyper System Frame Number
HeNBHome eNB
HCSHierarchical Cell Structure
hPCFhome Policy Control Function
HPLMNHome Public Land Mobile Network
HRHome Routed (roaming)
HRPDHigh Rate Packet Data
HSDPAHigh Speed Downlink Packet Access
hSMFhome Session Management Function
httphyptertext transfer protocol
ICICInter-Cell Interference Coordination
ICPInternet Content Provider
IDCIn-Device Coexistence
IMSIP Multimedia System
IMSIInternational Mobile Subscriber Identity
IOPSIsolated E-UTRAN Operation for
IoTInternet of Things
IPInternet Protocol
IP-CANIP-Connectivity Access Network
IPv4Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6Internet Protocol version 6
ISMIndustrial, Scientific and Medical
KPASKorean Public Alert System
KPIKey Performance Indicator
LAALicensed-Assisted Access
LADNLocal Area Data Network
LBLoad Balancing
LBOLocal Break Out (roaming)
LBTListen Before Talk
LCGLogical Channel Group
LCRLow Chip Rate
LCSLoCation Service
LDPCLow Density Parity Check
L-GWLocal Gateway
LHNID Local Home Network ID
LHNLocal Home Network
LIPALocal IP Access
LMFLocation Management Function
LMISFLI Mirror IMS State Function
LMULocation Measurement Unit
LPPaLTE Positioning Protocol Annex
LRFLocation Retrieval Function
LTELong Term Evolution
LWALTE-WLAN Aggregation
LWAAPLTE-WLAN Aggregation Adaptation Protocol
LWIPLTE WLAN Radio Level Integration
withIPsec Tunnel
LWIP-SeGWLWIP Security Gateway
MACMedium Access Control
MACMessage Authentication Code (security context)
MBBMobile BroadBand
MBMSMultimedia Broadcast Multicast Service
MBRMaximum Bit Rate
MBSFNMultimedia Broadcast multicast
serviceSingle Frequency Network
MCCMobile Country Code
MCCHMulticast Control Channel
MCEMulti-cell/multicast Coordination Entity
MCGMaster Cell Group
MCHMulticast Channel
MCSModulation and Coding Scheme
MCXMission Critical Service
MDBVMaximum Data Burst Volume
MDTMinimization of Drive Tests
MeNBMaster eNB
MFBRMaximum Flow Bit Rate
MGWMedia Gateway
MIBMaster Information Block
MICOMobile Initiated Connection Only
MIMOMultiple Input Multiple Output
MIoTMassive Internet of Things
MISOMultiple Input Single Output
MMEMobility Management Entity
mMTCmassive Machine Type Communication
MMTELMultimedia telephony
MNOMobile Network Operator
MPDCCHMTC Physical Downlink Control Channel
MPSMultimedia Priority Service
MSAMCH Subframe Allocation
MSIMCH Scheduling Information
MSPMCH Scheduling Period
MTCMachine-Type Communications
MTCHMulticast Traffic Channel
MVNOMobile Virtual Network Operator
N3IWFNon-3GPP InterWorking Function
NACKNegative Acknowledgement
NAINetwork Access Identifier
NASNon-Access Stratum
NB-IoTNarrow Band Internet of Things
NCCNext Hop Chaining Counter
NEFNetwork Exposure Function
NFNetwork Function
NFVNetwork Function Virtualisation
ng-eNBnew generation eNB (4G access
networkbut New Radio Interface)
NGAPNext Generation Application Protocol
NG-RANNew Generation (5G) Radio Access Network
NHNext Hop key
NLOSNon Line-Of-Sight
NNSFNAS Node Selection Function
NPBCHNarrowband Physical Broadcast channel
NPDCCHNarrowband Physical Downlink
NPDSCHNarrowband Physical Downlink
NPRACHNarrowband Physical Random
NPRSNarrowband Positioning Reference Signal
NPSSNarrowband Primary Synchronization Signal
NPUSCHNarrowband Physical Uplink Shared channel
NRNeighbour cell Relation
NRNew Radio
NRFNetwork Repository Function
NRTNeighbour Relation Table
NSIID Network Slice Instance Identifier
NSSAINetwork Slice Selection Assistance Information
NSSFNetwork Slice Selection Function
NSSPNetwork Slice Selection Policy
NSSSNarrowband Secondary Synchronization Signal
NWDAFNetwork Data Analytics Function
O&MOperations & Maintenance
OFDMOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
OFDMAOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access
OPIOffload Preference Indicator
OTDOAObserved Time Difference Of Arrival (positioning method)
PAPower Amplifier
PAPRPeak-to-Average Power Ratio
PBCHPhysical Broadcast CHannel
PBRPrioritised Bit Rate
PCCPolicy and Charging Control
PCCPrimary Component Carrier
PCCHPaging Control Channel
PCEFPolicy and Charging Enforcement Function
PCellPrimary Cell
PCFPolicy Control Function
PCFICHPhysical Control Format Indicator CHannel
PCHPaging Channel
PCIPhysical Cell Identifier
PCPPriority Code Point
PCRFPolicy and Charging Rule Function
PDCCHPhysical Downlink Control CHannel
PDCPPacket Data Convergence Protocol
PDIPacket Detection Information
PDNPacket Data Network
PDRPacket Detection Rule
PDSCHPhysical Downlink Shared CHannel
PDUProtocol Data Unit
PEIPermanent Equipment Identifier
PERPacket Error Rate
PFCPPacket Forwarding Control Protocol
PFDPacket Flow Description
PGW(or P-GW) PDN Gateway
PGW-CPDN Gateway Control plane function
PGW-UPDN Gateway User plane function
PHICHPhysical Hybrid ARQ Indicator CHannel
PHYPhysical layer
PLMNPublic Land Mobile Network
PMCHPhysical Multicast CHannel
PMKPairwise Master Key
PPDPaging Policy Differentiation
PPFPaging Proceed Flag
PPIPaging Policy Indicator
PPPPProSe Per-Packet Priority
PRACHPhysical Random Access CHannel
PRBPhysical Resource Block
ProSeProximity based Services
PSAPDU Session Anchor
PSBCHPhysical Sidelink Broadcast CHannel
PSCPacket Scheduling
PSCCHPhysical Sidelink Control CHannel
PSCellPrimary SCell
PSDCHPhysical Sidelink Discovery CHannel
PSKPre-Shared Key
PSMPower Saving Mode
PSSCHPhysical Sidelink Shared CHannel
pTAGPrimary Timing Advance Group
PTWPaging Time Window
PUCCHPhysical Uplink Control CHannel
PUSCHPhysical Uplink Shared CHannel
PWSPublic Warning System
QAMQuadrature Amplitude Modulation
QCIQoS Class Identifier
QERQoS Enforcement Rule
QFIQoS Flow Identifier
QoEQuality of Experience
QoSQuality of Service
(R)AN(Radio) Access Network
RACRadio Admission Control
RACHRandom Access Channel
RA-RNTIRandom Access RNTI
RATRadio Access Technology
RBRadio Bearer
RBResource Block
RBCRadio Bearer Control
RCLWIRAN Controlled LTE-WLAN Interworking
RFRadio Frequency
RIBSRadio-interface based synchronization
RIMRAN Information Management
RLCRadio Link Control
RMTCRSSI Measurement Timing Configuration
RNRelay Node
RNARAN-based Notification Area
RNCRadio Network Controller
RNLRadio Network Layer
RNTIRadio Network Temporary Identifier
ROHCRobust Header Compression
R-PDCCHRelay Physical Downlink Control CHannel
RQAReflective QoS Attribute
RQIReflective QoS Indication
RRCRadio Resource Control
RRHRemote Radio Head
RRMRadio Resource Management
RUResource Unit
S1-MMES1 for the control plane
S1-US1 for the user plane
S8HRS8 Home Routed
SANR Standalone New Radio
SAESystem Architecture Evolution
SAPService Access Point
SBAService Based Architecture
SBCCHSidelink Broadcast Control Channel
SBIService Based Interface
SCCSecondary Component Carrier
SCellSecondary Cell
SC-FDMASingle Carrier – Frequency Division
SCGSecondary Cell Group
SCHSynchronization Channel
SC-MCCHSingle Cell Multicast Control Channel
SC-MTCHSingle Cell Multicast Transport Channel
SC-N-RNTISingle Cell Notification RNTI
SC-PTMSingle Cell Point To Multiploint
SCTPStream Control Transmission Protocol
SDSlice Differentiator
SDAPService Data Adaptation Protocol
SDFService Data Flow
SDMASpatial Division Multiple Access
SD-RSRPSidelink Discovery Reference Signal Received Power
SDUService Data Unit
SEAFSecurity Anchor Functionality
SEESService Exposure and Enablement Support
SeGWSecurity Gateway
SEIDSession Endpoint Identifier
SeNBSecondary eNB
SEPPSecurity Edge Protection Proxy
SFNSystem Frame Number
SGW(or S-GW) Serving Gateway
SGW-CServing Gateway Control plane function
SGW-UServing Gateway User plane function
SISystem Information
SIBSystem Information Block
SIDFSubscription Identifier De-concealing Function
SIMOSingle Input Multiple Output
SIPSession Initiation Protocol
SIPTOSelected IP Traffic Offload
SIPTO@LNSelected IP Traffic Offload at the Local Network
SI-RNTISystem Information RNTI
SISOSingle Input Single Output
SL-BCHSidelink Broadcast Channel
SL-DCHSidelink Discovery Channel
SL-SCHSidelink Shared Channel
SMFSession Management Function
SMSShort Message Service
SMSFShort Message Service Function
S-NSSAISingle Network Slice Selection
SONSelf Organised Network
SPIDSubscriber Profile ID for
SRScheduling Request
SRBSignalling Radio Bearer
S-RSRPSidelink Reference Signal Received Power
SSCSession and Service Continuity
SSTSlice/Service Type
sTAGSecondary Timing Advance Group
STCHSidelink Traffic Channel
SUScheduling Unit
SUCISubscription Concealed Identifier
SUPISubscription Permanent Identifier
SX3LIFSplit X3 LI Interworking Function
TATracking Area
TAGTiming Advance Group
TBTransport Block
TCPTransmission Control Protocol
TDDTime Division Duplex
TDFTraffic Detection Function
TDF-CTraffic Detection Function Control
TDF-UTraffic Detection Function User
TDMTime Division Multiplexing
TEIDTunnel Endpoint Identifier
TFTTraffic Flow Template
TMTransparent Mode
TMGITemporary Mobile Group Identity
TNLTransport Network Layer
TNLATransport Network Layer Association
ToSType of Service
TSPTraffic Steering Policy
TSSFTraffic Steering Support Function
TTITransmission Time Interval
UAVUnmanned Aerial Vehicle
UDMUnified Data Management
UDPUser Datagram Protocol
UDRUnified Data Repository
UDSFUnstructured Data Storage Function
UEUser Equipment
UHDUltra High Definition
UICCUniversal Integrated Circuit Card
ULCL Uplink Classifier
UMUnacknowledged Mode
UMTSUniversal Mobile Telecommunication System
UPUser Plane
UPFUser Plane Function
U-planeUser plane
UpPTSUplink Pilot Time Slot
URLLCUltra Reliable Low Latency Communication
URRUsage Reporting Rule
URSPUE Route Selection Policy
USIMUniversal Subscriber Identity Module
UTRAUniversal Terrestrial Radio Access
UTRANUniversal Terrestrial Radio Access Network
VIDVLAN Identifier
VLANVirtual Local Area Network
vPCFvisited Policy Control Function
VRVirtual Reality
VRBVirtual Resource Block
vSMFvisited Session Management Function
WiFiWireless Fidelity
WLANWireless Local Area Network
WTWLAN Termination
X2GW X2 GateWay
X2-CX2-Control plane
X2-UX2-User plane
Xw-CXw-Control plane
Xw-UXw-User plane